Friday, November 13, 2009

Amelia Rules!

Amelia Rules! Series by Jimmy Gownley

Genre: Graphic Novel
My Rating: 10/10

I had the pleasure of selling books for the author of the Amelia Rules! series, Jimmy Gownley, yesterday at a local middle school. My 5th graders had devoured his graphic novels for the first few months of school and have been waiting anxiously for the newest books to come out. Gownley's full color illustrations and loveable characters make this a MUST for any book collection. Amelia and her neighborhood friends team up as members of G.A.S.P. (Gathering of Awesome Super Pals), a club that helps defend their small neighborhood from evil bullies. Amelia and her gang - Reggie, Rhonda, and Pajamaman - get into all kinds of crazy situations and will make you laugh hard enough to spew milk out of your nose! Gownley's series was self-published until recently, so Simon and Schuster is now in the process of re-releasing all of the books again. The first 2 and a Christmas special, A Very Ninja Christmas, are on shelves now and the others will be coming out early next year. During the author's presentation at the middle school yesterday, Gownley mentioned that there will possibly be between 8-12 books total in this amazing graphic novel series. Check it out and learn about Reggie's horrific secret... the elusive 'sneezebarf'!

Here's a link to the author's site to learn more about Amelia!

And order books in the Ameila's Series from Inkwood Books HERE

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