Sunday, December 6, 2009

Fu Finds the Way by John Rocco

Fu Finds the Way by John Rocco
Genre: Picture Book
My Rating: 8/10

I am a firm believer that you are never too old for picture books. This one has made it onto my bookcase at home as well as at school. The art is amazing ~ I love the colors and details on each page and it's sure to grab the attention of young readers as well.

Fu is a young boy in a small village where every warrior is trained by the old master. Fu has never received any training, but one day an older warrior, Chang, challenges Fu to a battle and Fu panics. he rushes off to seek assistance from the Master, only to be told that he first must learn how to make tea! As Fu struggles to slow down and understand what the Master is trying to teach him, he begins to see that purpose, flow, and patience are virtues that will help him more than physical speed and strength.

Order this from Inkwood Books HERE

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